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About IndieBay

Artist Statement:

Carolyn Attwood is a Greater Brisbane contemporary potter who initially studied ceramics in her Senior Year in New South Wales. Carolyn went on to study a Bachelor of Science at USQ, and began focusing on her interest in glaze development. She predominantly creates wheel thrown vessels, manipulated with intricate hand building and carving techniques and finished with hand crafted glazes, inspired by the unique coastal landscapes of Australia.


Exhibits & Awards:

2023 Central Highlands Regional Council Awards

2023 Fine Art Ceramics, Ipswich Show Society - Second Place

2023 Ipswich Art Awards

2023 Museum of Brisbane Commune Memory Vessel Exhibition

2023 Hold Exhibit - Belco Arts Centre

2021 Siliceous Awards for Ceramic Excellence - Finalist

2018 Ignition Awards -Finalist


My ceramic art style reflects the relaxed Australian lifestyle, and is inspired by ocean blues and sandy beaches, to the green and brown of tea tree stained fresh water creeks and bushlands of the Australian Coast. The IndieBay name was created by marrying my beautiful partner in crime Indie the Husky, and my love of the Northern Rivers Shire (IndieBay).

Environmental Stance:
I love the beautiful environment that we live in and am very diligent about the environmental footprint of my work. My small studio runs on solar power and collected rainwater, and my clothing line is ethically sourced, organic, sustainable and fair trade certified. All print work is done here in Australia. 



Since starting IndieBay I have received the most incredible kindness and support from so many of you, and I am forever humbled that you love and embrace my work. I pride myself on providing great care and diligence in my work, and to your experience of it. I believe in quality over quantity and people over profit, always.

Thanks for Visiting Indie Bay x 



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